In Airbox

The system of providing the user with properly prepared air

The main purpose of the invention

I, the inventor - Vasyl Burdeyny, express my respect to you and, being the owner of patents, I want to offer a license agreement for the use of the invention "IN.AIRBOX" - a system of providing the user with healthy air.

The main purpose of the invention: providing the consumer with properly prepared air, creation of the most comfortable living environment for him, improvement of health and prolongation of life.

Fields of application of the "IN.AIRBOX" system:

  • residential sector
  • defense sector
  • clinics
  • safety and air quality improvement in educational institutions
  • sanitary and epidemiological measures
  • bomb shelters
  • private shelters and bunkers
  • transport - both public and private, as well as technological (for example, treatment of fields with chemicals)
  • the emergency sector, including enterprises with increased risks of man-made disasters
  • capsule hotels
  • fitness
  • co-working
  • entertainment and food establishments, etc.

The In Airbox system, in addition to health, medical and other areas of use, can be used as a means of protection against chemical weapons indoors and on vehicles.

About the system

Until recently, supply and exhaust ventilation and filter installations were considered a panacea for providing people with clean air. However, under time for a detailed analysis of the operation of filters and air quality sensors, their efficiency and cost, it was concluded that the current climate complexes cope with moderate atmospheric pollution set tasks, but with pollution jumps, which are present in our time occur more and more often, give at the exit some kind of mixture similar to air. Let's consider the situation in detail.

Air filtration, with heavy loads on the ventilation system, after some time, which cannot be specified by the manufacturer himself, it starts to deliver a product that is not the one declared in the technical data. This happens for a number of reasons: filter contamination, power drop pumps, accumulation of harmful substances and organisms in ventilation communications etc. Frequent replacement of filters, increase in pump power, carrying out sanitary maintenance, etc., will lead to increased energy costs, noise and other discomforts, increased costs for system maintenance.

In order to determine air quality, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies on expensive equipment. At the same time, a clear picture is given by narrowly focused (which it will be necessary as many substances as we need to determine) professional and, to the same, expensive devices. Budget sensors do not provide an adequate response to questions about the quality of the mixture for breathing.

Separate options such as ozonation, ionization, salt, aroma, and phytotherapy mixing with "bad air" will not give a normal stable result, and even more positive therapeutic effect.

Accordingly, create a normal environment for life inside the room atmosphere without adding air collected in cylinders in environmentally friendly places, or at special filtering stations is impossible.

In the operation of modern climatic complexes and supply-exhaust systems ventilation systems result in a closed circle:
  • with the help of budget options of measuring devices it is not possible clearly determine the air quality outside and inside the room
  • even if the filters stop something from the outside, the inside remains evaporation of harmful substances from furniture, floor, walls, etc.
  • it turns out that we are blowing out unknown air from the outside air inside
  • what to do at pollution peaks, what guarantees the manufacturer can provide to the client?

In.AirBox has the following advantages:

    1. Installations pumping air into cylinders are located in environmentally friendly facilities places where air quality is close to ideal, and compressor stations are equipped with a powerful air filtration and preparation system.
  • 2. Air quality at the above stations is checked by professionals narrowly directed, high-quality devices.
  • 3. We dilute the filtered air from the outside to the desired level we ventilate and fill the air conditioner with air from cylinders and this mixture room, or we make a breeze directly on the user. With the load on filters and pumps decreases, the system regulates the supply air from the outside depending on the indicators.
  • 4. With such air, you can already hope for positive results from physical and spiritual practices, rehabilitation, various therapies and manipulations Separately, I would like to note the benefits of ventilation with the prepared air of the premises after disinfection, decontamination and others measures of sanitary and epidemiological direction.
  • 5. No one says that in the budget option of installing air in the room will be perfect. But it will definitely be better! In the same the installation time of the business class can be created for the client as much as possible a comfortable atmosphere for him.

Thus, in our time of catastrophic air pollution, fires, wars, etc man-made disasters, the In.AirBox system is the most effective system maintenance of a stable and healthy atmosphere in the premises, on transport, etc.

A long time ago, the car interior was considered an individual protective capsule. But in our time, the quality and the comfort of driving a vehicle is affected not only by weather conditions, but also by other environmental factors environment Evaporation of harmful substances from the asphalt surface, exhaust gases of others vehicles, fires and other emergency situations can significantly worsen air quality, which will affect the well-being of the driver and passengers, as well as the overall safety of traffic. Therefore, quality assurance the air inside the car is extremely important.

Modern climate control systems filter the air and bring the temperature to comfortable levels and humidity, but still cannot create a normal atmosphere in the cabin when it is aggressively polluted external environment. In a situation where there is no pollution around the car, the filters will clean the air from small particles, but to get rid of internal pollution: gaseous waste products passengers and the evaporation of harmful substances from the plastic and synthetic surface of the interior is enough just lower the glass for a while. If there is smoke or other pollution overboard, it is possible enable the recirculation function. In the cabin, the internal pressure will increase and harmful gases from the outside will stop come inside But where to put internal pollution? In some brands of cars for cleaning ozonation is used. But where to put oxidation products? Naturally, part of the air will leave the cabin through certain openings. But over time, the air in the cabin will become more and more polluted and unsuitable for using. The windows will begin to "sweat", which will reduce the quality of vision, and the driver from a large amount carbon dioxide will decrease and attention will be scattered, drowsiness will begin to appear. The user is faced with a choice: to approach an emergency situation, or to open windows and inhale fumigated air. And if external is the air poisonous?

The "IN.AIRBOX" system allows you to avoid such situations! The advantages of its use are:
  • thanks to the quality air supply unit, the hood, the appropriate sensors and the system controller will create a comfortable atmosphere in the interior of the vehicle, and if the user wishes, using the functions of aroma and phytotherapy with healing properties;
  • possibility of combining with existing car ventilation systems;
  • options for placing the air cylinder have already been developed by manufacturers of cylinder gas the equipment;
  • use "IN.AIRBOX" to carry out disinfection and decontamination measures on transport public use and taxis during epidemics, etc. much simpler, which will allow you to work even in lockdown;
  • with the use of "IN.AIRBOX" in medical and other special transport significantly the implementation of sanitary and therapeutic measures will improve, which will preserve life and health patients;
  • use of the system on technological transport, for example in agriculture at introduction of pesticides, or in the chemical industry, will allow to take care of the health of workers and to reduce the percentage of occupational diseases;
  • the system can be used in addition to health, medical and other areas of use to be used as a means of protecting the user in emergency situations and against the effects of chemicals weapons;
  • the ability to improve the well-being of drivers, to make them cheerful and attentive, that will improve traffic safety and increase their effectiveness.

Thus, "IN.AIRBOX" is an effective system for creating the most comfortable conditions stay in transport, and air refueling is possible at regular gas stations, you only need place appropriate equipment there.

Air pollution level


Air quality control:

  • 1 - without ventilation
  • 2 - with household flow-exhaust ventilation
  • 3 - with In.AirBox installation


Patents in the USA and EU are pending

Show room

In.AirBox system:

  • The system for providing the user with healthy air. Clean, high-quality air indoors and in transport.
  • The possibility of high-quality protection of the user from pollution of the external environment, including when using weapons of mass destruction, or in the case of man-made disasters,
  • Strengthens the positive result from physical and spiritual practices, rehabilitation, therapeutic and manipulative measures, carrying out disinfections, decontaminations and other sanitary-epidemiological measures.
  • Preservation of life and health of personnel in the combat zone when installing the device in bomb shelters, special premises and on transport.

Algorithm of interaction to achieve
agreements in the work of the "IN.AIRBOX" project

  • 1. After reading the materials presented on the IN.AIRBOX website, you need to write and send a letter to the specified e-mail address by mail, where to specify:
    • contact and other Information about you that you consider appropriate necessary;
    • requests for possible clarifications on the data presented on the website;
    • Your proposals regarding cooperation.
  • 2. Discussion and signing of non-disclosure agreement confidential information.
  • 3. Provision of information on the project, consultations and communication specialists
  • 4. According to the results of the work on the first three points of the solution options cooperation:
    • discussion and signing of the license agreement;
    • creation of a joint venture for project implementation "IN.AIRBOX";
    • discussion and signing of cooperation agreements.