I, the inventor - Vasyl Burdeyny, express my respect to you and, being the owner of patents, I want to offer a license agreement for the use of the invention "IN.AIRBOX" - a system of providing the user with healthy air.
The main purpose of the invention: providing the consumer with properly prepared air, creation of the most comfortable living environment for him, improvement of health and prolongation of life.
Fields of application of the "IN.AIRBOX" system:
The In Airbox system, in addition to health, medical and other areas of use, can be used as a means of protection against chemical weapons indoors and on vehicles.
Until recently, supply and exhaust ventilation and filter installations were considered a panacea for providing people with clean air. However, under time for a detailed analysis of the operation of filters and air quality sensors, their efficiency and cost, it was concluded that the current climate complexes cope with moderate atmospheric pollution set tasks, but with pollution jumps, which are present in our time occur more and more often, give at the exit some kind of mixture similar to air. Let's consider the situation in detail.
Air filtration, with heavy loads on the ventilation system, after some time, which cannot be specified by the manufacturer himself, it starts to deliver a product that is not the one declared in the technical data. This happens for a number of reasons: filter contamination, power drop pumps, accumulation of harmful substances and organisms in ventilation communications etc. Frequent replacement of filters, increase in pump power, carrying out sanitary maintenance, etc., will lead to increased energy costs, noise and other discomforts, increased costs for system maintenance.
In order to determine air quality, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies on expensive equipment. At the same time, a clear picture is given by narrowly focused (which it will be necessary as many substances as we need to determine) professional and, to the same, expensive devices. Budget sensors do not provide an adequate response to questions about the quality of the mixture for breathing.
Separate options such as ozonation, ionization, salt, aroma, and phytotherapy mixing with "bad air" will not give a normal stable result, and even more positive therapeutic effect.
Accordingly, create a normal environment for life inside the room atmosphere without adding air collected in cylinders in environmentally friendly places, or at special filtering stations is impossible.
In the operation of modern climatic complexes and supply-exhaust systems ventilation systems result in a closed circle:Thus, in our time of catastrophic air pollution, fires, wars, etc man-made disasters, the In.AirBox system is the most effective system maintenance of a stable and healthy atmosphere in the premises, on transport, etc.
A long time ago, the car interior was considered an individual protective capsule. But in our time, the quality and the comfort of driving a vehicle is affected not only by weather conditions, but also by other environmental factors environment Evaporation of harmful substances from the asphalt surface, exhaust gases of others vehicles, fires and other emergency situations can significantly worsen air quality, which will affect the well-being of the driver and passengers, as well as the overall safety of traffic. Therefore, quality assurance the air inside the car is extremely important.
Modern climate control systems filter the air and bring the temperature to comfortable levels and humidity, but still cannot create a normal atmosphere in the cabin when it is aggressively polluted external environment. In a situation where there is no pollution around the car, the filters will clean the air from small particles, but to get rid of internal pollution: gaseous waste products passengers and the evaporation of harmful substances from the plastic and synthetic surface of the interior is enough just lower the glass for a while. If there is smoke or other pollution overboard, it is possible enable the recirculation function. In the cabin, the internal pressure will increase and harmful gases from the outside will stop come inside But where to put internal pollution? In some brands of cars for cleaning ozonation is used. But where to put oxidation products? Naturally, part of the air will leave the cabin through certain openings. But over time, the air in the cabin will become more and more polluted and unsuitable for using. The windows will begin to "sweat", which will reduce the quality of vision, and the driver from a large amount carbon dioxide will decrease and attention will be scattered, drowsiness will begin to appear. The user is faced with a choice: to approach an emergency situation, or to open windows and inhale fumigated air. And if external is the air poisonous?
The "IN.AIRBOX" system allows you to avoid such situations! The advantages of its use are:Thus, "IN.AIRBOX" is an effective system for creating the most comfortable conditions stay in transport, and air refueling is possible at regular gas stations, you only need place appropriate equipment there.
Air quality control:
In.AirBox system: